ACT/PLC: Successful Prescribed Fire Event Educates Public on Benefits for Bird Habitat

Tour participants standing in the demonstration burn unit at Little Orange Creek Preserve.

A person holds a tri-fold brochure that outlines the benefits of prescribed fire to the landscape and for wildlife.

A recent event hosted by the Putnam Land Conservancy and Alachua Conservation Trust, in collaboration with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Burning for Birds Initiative, was a great success. This event aimed to educate private landowners and the general public alike about the importance of prescribed fire (specifically growing season fire) for native bird habitat and provided a valuable learning experience for all who attended.

Held at the Little Orange Creek Nature Preserve, the event featured a tour of the demonstration burn unit and offered a firsthand look at the positive impact of controlled burning on the landscape. Folks were able to observe how prescribed fires promote a healthy ecosystem, particularly by benefiting wildlife habitat, with a focus on bird species like the bobwhite quail which are of high conservation concern and require very specific habitat needs to thrive.

A participant signs up to receive more info about prescribed fire.

A key benefit of the event was landowners and conservationists connecting with each other and sharing ideas regarding most effective land management practices that help to support our avian friends.

The event began with a light breakfast provided by local vendors, Uppercrust Bakery and Firepower Coffee. The success of this event and the general interest from the public really made known the growing recognition of the vital role that controlled fire plays in supporting healthier ecosystems that can properly support our wildlife populations.

Attendees left the event with their questions about prescribed burning answered by experts and with a deeper understanding of the importance of prescribed fire and its critical role in conservation efforts, particularly for native bird species that depend on these habitats for survival.


ALC: Shaws Creek Preserve Burn